My Adventures in the Trim Healthy Mama Kitchen

I started the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) lifestyle about 6 months ago and I am loving the recipes. I am in no way a die-hard THM eater. I probably go off plan several times a week, but with each recipe I find that I can use to replace something that I love to eat, I am getting closer to being on track than ever before.

I love to bake and cook, so finding ways to still do those things in a healthy fashion makes me very happy! I have had a couple of kitchen failures on the THM plan and everyone will. I had a pizza crust that just turned into a soggy crummy mess. (P.S. My not so picky husband asked me not to make that one again.) I tried to replace almond flower with THM baking blend in a pumpkin muffin recipe and tried to add some applesauce and milk I think because it didn’t look anything like muffin batter; another kitchen fail. (I didn’t even serve these to my hubby, I tasted them and threw them out.)

I still don’t have the E, S, Crossover and FP completely figured out, but I do know what’s on plan and what is not. So my recipes won’t be labeled with a category, it will be up to you to figure out how they fit into your eating plan.

I did learn this week from the every so helpful THM Facebook page, that sprouted grain bread is always an E, but it depends on what you eat with it that will either keep it and E or turn it into a crossover.  My friend Jennifer, who introduced to me to THM loves to remind me that crossovers are on plan, so don’t worry if you eat a few of them. She is such an encouragement in the whole THM lifestyle.

I have also found that some of the on plan sweeteners don’t agree with my system, so I have added in some honey and pure organic maple syrup, but these can always be replaced with on plan sweeteners of your choice.

This week I started experimenting with sprout whole-wheat flour. Which can be hard to find in the store, I bought my first bag at our local food co-op, then after success with a few recipes I purchase a larger bag on Amazon. (Amazon is great for those hard to locate ingredients so that you don’t have to run all over town looking. I think my first few THM shopping trips took me half a day because I had to read all the packages to make sure it was on plan, but once you do it a few times you will know exactly what to buy.)

My first success with sprouted whole-wheat flour was a very yummy dinner roll! This recipe is super easy and only takes 30 minutes to whip up. If you have never used yeast before, don’t be scared. Its not that hard to navigate, just make sure your water isn’t boiling, but warm. You should be able to stick your finger in it to test the water. The honey is what helps the yeast work and there is not so much in the in recipe that you need to be concerned about it throwing you off plan, as these are a dinner roll, not a sweet roll. So on to the shopping list and recipe:

You need:

I apologize in advance I did not take photos of this recipe, but future blogs will have photos of what I actually made and any issue I came across or hints to make it easier.

I also must give credit to where credit is due. This recipe was adapted from*, and was created by Sarah Hardy another THM blogger who has wonderful, wonderful recipes on her blog. I have tried quite a few of them and they have all be great!

30 Minute Rolls with Sprouted Grain Flour


For Egg Wash


1.     Preheat oven to 400.

2.     In a small bowl, combine warm water, yeast and honey. Stir until dissolved. Let stand for 2-3 minutes. In a few moments, you should begin to see bubbles form on the top of the water (this shows your yeast is working).

3.     In a large mixing bowl, combine salt, stevia, and sprouted flour.

4.     Add yeast mixture to flour mixture, then add melted butter and egg. Mix until combined and a soft dough forms.

5.     After all the ingredients are mixed together, turn out the dough onto a flat surface lightly dusted with more sprouted flour. Knead 8-10 times, or until the dough is smooth.

6.     Using a dough cutter, divide the dough into 4 equal sections. Then divide each section into 3 parts. This will give you exactly 12 dinner rolls.

7.     Shape each piece of dough into a roll and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Let rest for 10 minutes.

8.     Brush tops with egg white wash, if desired.

9.     Bake for 10 minutes, or until tops begin to turn golden.

My tips and hints

When I make yeast bread I make sure not to knead in to much extra flour as that can make your bread very dry and not quite as enjoyable. I only use as much flour as is needed for me to be able to handle and form the dough into the desired shape

I also do not own a dough cutter, so I use my best judgment to divide the dough evenly.

These dinner rolls compliment any E meal perfectly and they freeze well. After I made my first batch, my husband and I enjoyed them with the “Wipe Your Mouth BBQ” recipe from the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook on page 43. Then I tossed the rest in the freezer and we have been pulling them out to go with E soups when we need a little something extra.

I hope you enjoy this recipe. Coming soon, my adventures in sprouted whole-wheat flour cinnamon rolls, BAM Cake and Fajita Stuffed Spaghetti Squash!

*This recipe was adapted from the website I have made adjustments and changes to suite my taste buds.

**All Thing Creative is affiliated with Trim Healthy Mama and this blog post contains affiliate links to Trim Healthy Mama’s website. This blog post contains affiliate links to Amazon.
